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We've Been Busy

Nationwide Towing & Transport Introduces Electric & Hybrid Vehicles
Nationwide Towing & Transport is proud to announce a monumental step towards a greener future.
Nationwide Group calls for same roadside protections as emergency service workers
Tow truck drivers and emergency roadside assistance workers who work alongside fast-moving vehicles need the same protection as emergency service and incident response workers.

Push for road safety data transparency endorsed by Nationwide Group
Nationwide Group, the industry leader in towing and transport, has joined the Australian Automobile Association’s Data Saves Lives campaign which calls on the Federal Government to make road funding contingent upon states and territories providing safety-related data.

Our response to COVID-19
As the COVID-19 situation has developed, we have followed advice from professionals and taken steps to help keep our people and our customers safe.

Nationwide wins at the 2016 VTA Australian Freight Industry Awards night!
Nationwide Towing & Transport is very proud to have won the ‘Investment in People Award’ at the recent Victorian Transport Association (VTA)